Share your story and make a greater
ecological impact
Marketing Materials for Certified Businesses
Certification is best understood as a tool that supports your branding, marketing and sales
However, it is important to be aware that the value of any tool depends on how well you use it. Realizing the full benefit of certification requires using it creatively and effectively as part of a larger marketing and sales strategy.
Some businesses use the seal on product packaging as part of a high-profile claim to appeal to consumers, supported by other promotional and educational materials.
Others focus on promoting their own brand, and allow certification to work in the background, as a proof point and source of additional information on their claims.
A decade of experience tells us that businesses benefit most from Food Alliance certification when they:
Tell their certification story to customers, to community stakeholders, and in consumer and trade press. Educate internal and external audiences about Food Alliance certification, the inspection process, and what standards had to be met.
Train employees so they understand and support the company’s commitment to social and environmental responsibility, and the use of Food Alliance certification in marketing efforts.
Incorporate the “Food Alliance Certified” seal and information about the certification in product labeling and packaging.
Update web sites, brochures, point-of-sale and other marketing materials to highlight company claims for social and environmental responsibility supported by Food Alliance certification.
Sustain the effort. Continue to inform and educate employees, customers and the community about the added value your company offers with independent, third-party certification for sustainable practices. Share updates on progress made achieving sustainability goals.
Take advantage of Food Alliance marketing resources
All Food Alliance certified businesses and buyer of certified products should be familiar with program concepts and rules related to the appropriate and best use of certification claims.
When marketing with the Food Alliance Certified seal, please remember:
All use of the seals must meet color and size specifications.
All custom print and electronic materials featuring the Food Alliance Certified operation and product seals must be submitted to Food Alliance for review and approval before production and distribution.
The Food Alliance Labeling and Marketing Guide contains guidance on use of the certification seal and approved marketing claims. It offers best practice guidance on making social and environmental claims. It also offers example of use of Food Alliance’s name, the certification seal, and claims in sample point-sale materials, brochures, and press releases.
Educate Stakeholders with Food Alliance Materials and Resources
The materials below can be customized with your businesses name, logo and messaging, making them a great co-branding opportunity.
The Eater’s Guide to Food & Farm Sustainability is a folded, pocket-size explanation of third-party ecolabels that helps consumers make informed purchasing decisions.
Committed to Sustainability is a poster or flyer that includes a summary of Food Alliance’s standards and promotes your businesses commitment to sustainability.
Additional Resources
Please contact Food Alliance directly to receive link to download Food Alliance logo and certification seal image files; request approval of logo or seal usage; order bulk quantities of printed marketing materials and report any use of Food Alliance brand collateral that you consider questionable.
Contact us with questions about certification and what a partnership could entail.