We care about the quality, health, the authenticity of products for you and your family
Information for Consumers
You are what you eat
When Food Alliance talks about “sustainable agriculture,” we mean the ability to produce safe, healthy, delicious, and affordable food to meet diverse needs without degrading agricultural lands, the quality of life in rural communities, or the resilience of the broader ecosystems on which we all depend.
Food Alliance offers the most comprehensive certification program for sustainably produced food in North America. We cover the issues that matter to you, including safe and fair working conditions, humane treatment of animals, and protection of the environment.
Food Alliance certification is backed by meaningful standards and a rigorous and independent third-party inspection. Food Alliance is Good Food for a Healthy Future.
Help Create a More Sustainable Food System
Our comprehensive, third-party certification addresses the issues that matter most: safe and fair working conditions, humane treatment of animals, and environmental stewardship.
Safe and fair working conditions
Healthy and humane animal treatment
Hormones and antibiotics
GMO-free seed and genetics
Reduce pesticide use and toxicity
Soil and water conservation
Wildlife habitat conservation
Continuously improve management practices
Ask for Food Alliance Certified products
Look for Food Alliance Certified products at the grocery store. You can find the Food Alliance Certified seal on fresh and frozen fruits and vegetables, dried beans and lentils, wheat flour and baking mixes, dairy products, eggs, beef, pork, lamb, chicken, farmed shellfish, and other products.
If you don’t see the seal on products you buy ask your grocer to stock more Food Alliance certified products.
You can even write the makers of your favorite brands to ask them to consider becoming Food Alliance Certified. Let them know that you are concerned about social and environmental responsibility and Food Alliance is a standard you trust.
Contact us with questions about certification