Beverage Producers
This covers producers of beer, wine, cider, and distilled products. There are separate certifications for suppliers of main ingredients by weight (malt, grapes, apples, pears, etc) and for the operation.
Getting Started
Food Alliance is a perfect fit for breweries, wineries, cideries, and distilleries that care about sourcing unique ingredients, traceable to the farm that produced them, and that want to make a strong statement to their customers about their support for safe and fair working conditions and environmental stewardship. Food Alliance standards cover farm and facility workers, soil and water conservation, wildlife habitat and biodiversity, toxic and hazardous materials, energy, waste, and practices that help ameliorate and prepare for climate change.
Certification is available for breweries with at least one Food Alliance certified product.
Certification is also available for suppliers of ingredients including malted barley, wheat and other grains, and hops.
Certification is available for wineries with at least one Food Alliance certified product.
Certification is also available for self-owned and operated vineyards, and vineyards from which grapes are contracted.
Certification is available for cideries with at least one Food Alliance certified product line.
Certification is also available for self-owned and operated orchards or farms, and for suppliers of ingredients including apples, pears, other orchard fruits, berries, or purees, juices and concentrates.
Certification is available for distilleries with at least one Food Alliance certified product line.
Certification is also available for suppliers of ingredients including malted barley, rye, corn and other grains, grapes and other fruits,
While supplies of certified ingredients may currently be limited, Food Alliance is happy to work with you to certify partners in your existing supply chain or to help identify new partners that are certified or willing to be certified.